Friday, April 20, 2012

The 1-2-3 Scale

For years, men have been using the 1-10 scale when describing the attractiveness of women. While this has always been a reliable method, I have devised a new scale which simplifies the process. It's called the 1-2-3 scale, and it works.

As a note, the 1-2-3 scale can also be applied to men. But since this blog is written by me, it will come from the straight male perspective.

Basically, the 1-2-3 scale separates women into three (technically four) categories. The scale is based not on physical beauty, but desire; this is an important distinction from the 1-10 scale. For example, a moderately attractive woman might see her rating increase based on things like attitude or presentation. Like the 1-10 scale, the 1-2-3 scale is subjective; however, as it is based on desire and not beauty, it is more prone to fluctuation. However, in the case of random ass, the scale can and should be used to make snap physical judgements in the same way as the 1-10 scale.

The best way to sum up the 1-2-3 scale is with a simple rhyme: wouldn't, would, want, need. I know that doesn't rhyme, but fuck you. It's all about whether or not you'd sleep with them. 1s are women who you have no strong desire for, but, if you were looking to get your rocks off? You'd hit it. 2s are women you want to sleep with, but, you're not gonna kill yourself trying to get there. If you're "up in the club", you might buy her drinks all night, but you're ordering from the rail. Now 3s? 3s are those girls you NEEEEEED to bang. The ones who fill you with an all-consuming desire. The ones that make you act a fool. That girl you can't take your eye off of? 3.

Women you wouldn't sleep with technically don't rate on the scale, but they are colloquially known as zeroes.

If you were to equate this all to the 1-10 scale? Your 1s would be equal to those girls on the proverbial "doable side of five." As we all know, there are many of these women out there. How many depends on you, but like a five, a 1 is pretty average. 2s, then, run the gamut from 6 to 8. These are the hot girls; not the jaw-droppers, but the cute waitress, the girl at work, and so on. You notice 2s. 3s are your nines; as we all know, "10" is a theoretical concept which does not exist in the real world. Thus, 3s comprise the most attractive women in all of society. Again, this is subjective; 3s for you may be supermodels, or they may be strippers. Whatever the flavor, 3s are a fairly rare breed.

This simple scale eliminates the need to debate whether a woman is a six or seven or nine-point-five or nine-point-nine or whatever. Not that there's not a time and place for that, but the 1-2-3 scale is a great way to quickly categorize women in a way that's easy to understand. So please, spread the knowledge. Tell everyone about the 1-2-3 scale. If we all do our part, we can make this easy system well known around the world.

Thank you.

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